Bearwood Lakes Golf Club

Bearwood Lakes Golf Club
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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Fescue in the Rescue!

It seems although slow that the rescue product in the rough is working well and that although this an extreme example, it shows that the product is working well and will be great in the future for rough management - it just depends on how brave we are!!!

ready for play

Finally the golf course is open after a long snow delay and on the first day back on the full course we were delighted to see, after some careful management, that the course was in good shape and the greens were very clean if a little yellow in places.

We are on some main greens and some temps. As the greens thaw through completely we will put them on the main greens. When they are all on the main greens we will then put the pins back towards the middle and back but for now they are just going to go on the front.

We have blown the whole course today and tomorrow and over the next few days we will full rake and blow all the bunkers, and get all the tees tidied aiming for a full prepped course for the final fling/drive in on the 2nd

Hope you enjoy the course


Friday, 24 December 2010


Still closed though unfortunately - fingers crossed for a quick thaw and play before New Year!

Happy Christmas

After much clearance work the new view on the 6th from the 3rd. You never used to be able to see the lake from here but after the gorse work last year and the woodland work this it is beginning to look great

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Extra tertiary drainage onthe 5th hole. The main drain went in a few years ago which which are now able to utilise to run the gravel bands into.
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view from the third

look at the view now we have tidied the lake edge up. You could never see the lake from this side before and the fish will like it also
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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Frozen greens

As you can see, as much as we would like you to be able to play on the greens at the moment they are just too frozen to allow play. Also someone has kindly ridden a motorbike on the 15th green which has caused some damage. We cannot repair it until it thaws unfortunatly, but we wont be on the green until then anyway.

We will do all we can to ensure that the golf course is as playable as possible, but we will have to let nature take its course to some degree as forcing it can cause longer term problem which will not recover till the summer.

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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

locally sourced christmas

Our wonderful gardener has managed to source a lot of greenary which has been beautifully presented by Mandy at the club for table decorations for Christmas
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