Bearwood Lakes Golf Club

Bearwood Lakes Golf Club
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Thursday, 27 December 2012


I have a sneaky suspicion that the rough application of Rescue is working!!!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

and we found the little blighter!!

There are so many places on the golf course, we have found to be wet and we could never understand why. Due to the excessive rain this year many of the old clay drains have started working, but are generally broken somewhere on the course. This one we found in the bank on the 14th which has cased the approach to be constantly wet. We just kept digging back and back to find it. There are many more to find. Let just hope we do.

Thursday, 20 December 2012


The drainage on the 13 is working a little too well. God knows where all the water went before!

Staff party

Bit different but we all went to a painting cafe and then had our usual award ceremony and then darts at the pub
Highlights are
Oli lochman -  players player
Alex o brien -  managers player
Chris ball - biggest weight gain
Jim simpson - best crash

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Great morning for golf at bearwood lakes

After all the wet weather it still looks good. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

We have been very busy still at Bearwood Lakes. Even though the grass has slowed down we have been working on making the course better for the playing season and for next winter.

One of the best pieces of work is the improvement to the first tee. First impressions are very important and we have stripped the gravel  out the front by the first tee and replaced it with a red tarmac. It looks much better and will be much easier to maintain.

We are also cracking on with drainage. Garys investment over the last few years has enabled us to undertake some long overdue jobs. The 14th path has got considerably worse over the year and we decided to improve it. I think we found the blocked drain!!!!! We hope to improve this area before Christmas with a much longer term solution than was currently in place. 

Scott learning new skills 

No idea what is in here 

When we have the time, we have also been topdressing some of the gravel band runs to keep them working, flailing the woodlands in the cold weather and also some greenkeeping now and again when we can fit it in!!!!!! Below is a picture of us rushing round to roll the green before the turkey trot shot gun. 

Rolling greens in the dark 

Our new flail, we can get the work done in the winter and it keeps the place looking great

Keeping the gravel banding operational and the members feet dry 

As you can see Gary has put a lot of effort and money into improving the club this year and the improvements are fantastic and will make the golf course a very special place to play golf. The greenstaff we will be working hard over the Christmas period to make sure that the golf course is in as good condition as possible and thanks to all the members for their support.

Keep reading the blog, the plans for 2013 are pretty big!!


Sunday, 9 December 2012


More improvements at Bearwood Lakes.  Steve and the boys edging the path ready for red tarmac on Wednesday.  Bearwood is such a great place and it will be brilliant to create a much better first impression to the club and the course. 

It is great,  as a member of staff to see the club continue to move forward.