Bearwood Lakes Golf Club

Bearwood Lakes Golf Club
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Monday, 25 March 2013

Heathland success so far on 8

Heathland work

The snow wont stop us.  The cold weather means that general mowing and bunker work has to stop but it is a great chance to improve the heathland on the right of eight. 

We are clearing all the sliver birch whips and spreading the heather seeds to encourage the heathland development in this area. 

Great for the ecology and will also look great as you drive in to the club,  especially when it is in flower later in the year. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

16th tees

Just a quick update on the 16th tes. We have arrived at the final height and we have roughly graded the sides of the tee to get a perspective on how it might look. We are happy with it at this stage and as you can see from the picture we are now grading the sub-base prior to putting in the drainage and irrigation. We will then put in the rootzone, finish all the shaping and then turf and seed it. Sounds easy!!

Friday, 8 March 2013

16th new tees - live and unscripted

We have started work on the 16th tees and developing the heathland to the right to the 15th fairway. Rather than me writing about what we are up to, I just made a quick video of the work. Please bear in mind this is off the cuff and the grammer and narration is a little questionable!!


Monday, 4 March 2013

16th tees

Work began today building the new 16th tee complex.  The plan is to raise the tees about 2 meters to get a better view of the new bunker complex and improve the general visual appeal of the tee shot. 

We will also be moving the location slightly to enhance the strategic design of the hole.  Should be a great addition and with work at the green end scheduled for later in the year this will become one of the best holes on the course,  but i keep saying that!!!!