Bearwood Lakes Golf Club

Bearwood Lakes Golf Club
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Monday, 24 January 2011

Lake Drain down

As many of you will have noticed over the last couple of days the upper lake is being drained down. There is a lack of oxygen in the lake water and we are working on a long term program to improve it. This problem is not beneficial for the fish and other aquatic life which use the lake, the golfer whose ball goes in it or for the general appearance of the water. We have been taking regular readings to ensure oxygen depletion is consistent over time and not sporadic and work is necessary. We have also undertaken chemical testing as well at great expense to ensure we are dealing with the problem correctly.

To improve the problem of low oxygen we have thinned out the trees around the lake to improve the airflow which will in turn improve the quality of the water and the health of the lake and the biology it supports. Now we have done this we will be draining down the lake to inspect the health and numbers of the fish in the lake. Some fish may be removed to ensure the lake is not overstocked, causing the oxygen problems. We will also take the opportunity to tidy the edge of the lake behind the 12th as a large degree of silt, leaves and decaying trees have built up over time. This massively contributes to the poor lake condition and will be improved. We have discovered another island which is similar the one behind the 5th and we will be reinstating it also which should look excellent.

The lake will then be left to fill up. When this is done we will then decide whether to install a permanent aerator on the water to maintain the lake quality season round. It is a very important water body on the golf course and we have a responsibility to maintain it correctly. We have taken all the appropriate steps to do so and I hope you understand why this work is important.

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