Bearwood Lakes Golf Club

Bearwood Lakes Golf Club
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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

hedgerow management

On the 17th February will begin one of our final woodland task for the winter. We will be coppicing the hedge or thicket on the side of the 10th hole by the halfway hut. The hedge has become degenerate in recent years and we feel that it is important to try to improve the ecological value of the hedge and its aesthetic look by undertaken some much needed management. It is one of the only hedges of this type on the estate and support wildlife that not many other areas of the course can support and so we need to improve it. This means it will need management.

Management plan

  1. Our management plan for the hedge is detailed below.
  2. Cut the hedge as low to the ground as possible, or to the previous level, whichever is lower. 
  3. Trim the new growth for the next couple of years to encourage a dense structure.
  4.  No weed control should be necessary as new growth should be vigorous enough to out-compete weeds. 
  5.  Protection from grazing stock where necessary.
  6.  Retain hedgerow trees and some dead wood where possible.
I hope that you understand that this management plan is essential to maintain the value of the hedgerow to the environment and to ensure the look and quality of the golf course is maintained. If you have any further questions please contact me at the club. 

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